Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cultural Activity Journal: Carnival in Sitges

The last day of Carnival happened to fall on a Tuesday this year, possibly the worst day for me to go out because I have an early busy day on Wednesday. I didn’t really find out you needed a costume until the day before, so I frantically looked but could not find shit. The night of Carnival we had some girls come over and I had them decide a costume for me, they ended up making me into the Joker from Batman. After they finished I looked in the mirror and I thought to myself, “I look like a homo”. After some shots and mixed drinks I did not care what I looked like I just wanted to get to Sitges. We headed for the train just to find that we would be packed in like sardines. It was the most uncomfortable yet entertaining 30 minute ride of my life. I probably met 15 new friends on that ride. When we finally arrived at Sitges I could hear the screams and cheers from what seemed like thousands and thousands of people. The first thing that I saw when I first got off the train was a girl throwing up and I thought to myself this is going to be a wild night. I was amazed at how many floats there were, there had to be hundreds of floats that held 5-8 people on board. The most amusing part of my night was when one of my friends stuck his hand out for one of the girls on the street and when she came around and grab it we found out that she wasn’t a girl at all.

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