Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Field Trip Journal: Roman Barcino

The Roman Barcino was my favorite field trip because I enjoy looking at ancient roman structures. One reason I took the class history of Barcelona is because I’ve always been interested about learning facts about the Roman Empire. Going to the museum made it possible for me to understand how clever and civilized the Romans were. The museum was a sight of a rich family’s house. The rich lived in single-storey houses which were built around a central hall known as an atrium. Atrium had rooms opening up off of them and they were also open to the weather as they had no roofs. Many atriums had a trough built into their design so that water could be collected when it rained. The museum was very nicely constructed and for every piece of architecture there was information on it in English, so it made it possible for everyone to learn about everything in the museum. I was surprised at how far down the ruins were. The ruins were probably 20 -30 feet below were the level of the ground is now and we had to take an elevator to go down to them. While in the museum I saw different types of tools that the Romans used for personal care. They had tools such as; toothpicks, toothpaste, bathing soap, iron tooth’s, and much more. While at the museum I saw that the Romans had large stone bowls that were bigger than baths. These large bowls held oil and wine back in the day for conservation. While at the gym I also learned that Romans were very concerned about how they looked so they always washed their clothes. They used ashes to get stains out of their white clothes. They also had different substances to dye their clothing. I really enjoyed this museum and hope to go back one day.

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